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客服热线: 400-028-9008 E-mail: contact@tlyon.com 20181112000193
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控制气氛是提高易腐园艺商品冷藏性能的主要方法之一。气调贮藏和改良气调包装的应用,有效地贮藏了许多重要的园艺商品。然而,相对于当今全球市场上大量的易腐商品,商业上使用CA和MAP的作物数量相对有限。水果、花卉和蔬菜的生物学特性以及导致这些易腐物质腐烂的生物体对改良大气(CA或MAP)的广泛应用造成了限制 标签: 叶绿素、控制气氛、衰变、动态受控气氛、乙烯、水果气调包装、气调保鲜 |
Industrial advances of CA/MA technologies: innovative storage systems
David Bishop⁎ ,James Schaefer⁎ ,Randolph Beaudry†
⁎Storage Control Systems, Inc., Sparta, MI, United States
†Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United States
Atmosphere modification serves as one of the primary means of augmenting the performance of refrigeration in the storage of perishable horticultural commodities. Controlled atmosphere (CA) storage and the use of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) are used to effectively store many important horticultural commodities. However, relative to the great number of perishable commodities found in today’s global marketplace, the number of crops for which CA and MAP are commercially used is relatively limited. Limitations to the broader application of modified atmospheres (either CA or MAP) are imposed by the biology of fruits, flowers, and vegetables and by the organisms that cause decay of these perishables. Utility is primarily limited to managing three or four biological processes: control of ethylene action, suppression of decay, prevention of chlorophyll degradation, and inhibition of cut surface browning. Established and new technologies used to impose modified atmospheres to manage these processes in rooms and packages are described and the benefits of specific choices are discussed.
Keywords:Chlorophyll、Controlled atmosphere、Decay、Dynamic controlled atmosphere、EthyleneFruit、Modified atmosphere、Packaging、Vegetable
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客服热线: 400-028-9008 E-mail: contact@tlyon.com 20181112000193