©2012-2024 图拉扬科技 版权所有,并保留所有权利,未经授权 不得复制或建立镜像. 蜀ICP备2021003222号-1
客服热线: 400-028-9008 E-mail: contact@tlyon.com 20181112000193
保加利亚Milkotronic---欧洲唯一专业制造轻便型乳脂肪分析仪专业厂商,保加 保加利亚Milkotronic公司牛奶成份分析仪(乳品成份分析仪)LactoScan. The private company Milkotronic was originally established in 1997 with its head office including Research, Development and Production facilities in Nova Zagora www.nova-zagora.com. The aim of the company is to develop, produce and sell analyzing modules all based on the ultrasonic principle for dairy products, beer and wine. It started to concentrate on the production of portable ultrasonic milk analyzers with the trademark Lactoscan. Although this milk analyser is a standalone device, it is controlled by own electronic design and software, and is safeguarding the first step in the milk collection system. The company gives the highest priority to these electronics and its software in order to solve any complex problem arising. The company has CE mark (approval for electrical safety) and ISO 9001:2000 certificate for all produced milk analysers. |
©2012-2024 图拉扬科技 版权所有,并保留所有权利,未经授权 不得复制或建立镜像. 蜀ICP备2021003222号-1
客服热线: 400-028-9008 E-mail: contact@tlyon.com 20181112000193